Monday, May 5, 2008

America's Fastest Dying Industries - LAUNDRY SERVICES

America's Fastest Dying Industries - AOL Small Business
i disagree with this as more people lose their home's or their jobs money will be very tight and most will not have any money saved if something goes wrong with there washer or dryer HOWEVER I dO feel that services like dry cleaning of shirts and pants will lose a lot of ground as that is a extra and most will not have extra money for that but I feel laundry mat's are a great business and will grow -Laundry Services
Projected employment decline: -6.1%

Projected revenue decline: -12.4%

Projected gross product decline: -4.7%

Over 90% of the laundry chains have less than 10 employees. This means relentless price-cutting competition among small firms.

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