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They are currently seeking a Broker for the Florida market.
New Seattle Area Condo Brokerage May 23, 2007
I just love all the Geeky Boys turned Real Estate Broker. I know I’m not supposed to love them. I’m supposed to be threatened by them, or point out their weaker points. But I can’t help myself. They bring SO MUCH to the party!
Truth be told, I like these new businesses better than I like some new agents who refuse to go measure the unfinished area of the basement, because they saw a spider web and they have their “good clothes on”.
I happened upon Condo Compare when someone posted a comment on my blog with their link in it. At first I was miffed that someone was putting a commercial for another company on my blog in the comments. I am human after all. But I visited the site and started an “online chat” with the “expert agents”. The person responding turned out to be “THE Broker” at the other end of the chat line. What I find most endearing about Redfin and other Geeky Boys turned Real Estate Companies like CondoCompare, is they are so full of energy and a sincere interest to bring something new to the scene. They may not, and I stress “MAY” there, know as much about real estate as many of the other brokerages, because their background is in the technology field and not the real estate field. But I say let’s help them out. Let’s put out an outstretched hand, wish them well, and help them get a foothold. They have so much talent to bring to the field in the way of exciting new, never been done before, websites. I say, put your arm around their shoulders and celebrate what they DO bring, rather than play “whack a mole” every time they take a mis-step. AS-IF every agent in the Country has never done anything wrong (rolls her eyes) and is perfect.
Anyway, back to CondoCompare. I rarely find a Public Website that presents info in a format that interests me, given I have access to “the real MLS” and Public Websites just fall too short of what I can accomplish in my Agent Access site. But this one is KEWL!!! I find the info, and the format of that info, to be quite PRICELESS! You can click on any condo building by name of building, and check the properties on market and the comps for EACH BUILDING separately.
Maybe there are other sites like this, and they just didn’t put their commercial on my blog But I haven’t seen anything like it before, and would be interested in your thoughts. I think it’s great! And best I can tell, they are not breaking any “rules”, unless someone made a NEW RULE last night or tomorrow, so they can break one.
Sure, I have a problem or two with their model, but I had a great chat with the broker. He’s figuring some of it out as he goes, like most people. We are trying to figure out technology (or not) and they are trying to figure out how to “get into the act” as Jimmy Durante might say. But if we embrace them, the marriage of “The Geeky Boys” and “Expert Agents” could push us up a notch or two into “The Future of Real Estate”. And that’s not a bad thing IMNSHO.
Find more articles tagged with:condocompare seattle condo brokerage technology
- Posted in : Real Estate Search, Technology
- Author : ARDELL
- 1. Nickie - May 23, 2007
That is a cool site! I like how they have it organized by building and allow you to compare!
I also used the online chat (not sure if I spoke to the broker or not) and found out a bit more about their business and how they operate. It looks like they are refering out most of their leads to agents that are “experts” in their area. I didn’t get into what you have to do to be qualified as an expert.
- 2. ARDELL - May 23, 2007
Hi Nickie,
No they are not doing that. I expected that too, but at this moment in time, that is not the case.
- 3. Ben K - May 23, 2007
I like their concept & format of displaying information and have visited their site on a number of occasions. With innovation (creativity & technology) we’ll be seeing more consumer-friendly sites.
- 4. Nickie - May 23, 2007
Hey Ardell,
Sorry, should have clarified. They are doing that up here in Bellingham. They already have one agent from another brokerage that they refer to up here and they are looking for others. Maybe their agents cover the Seattle area and they only refer out in other cities?- 5. Casey - May 23, 2007
Ardell, this is Casey… I am the CEO of CondoCompare. Thank you for your nice write up… I really appreciate your feedback minus the geek part of course
In order… we are geeky boys that hired brokers and I as the head of the geek dept stay out of the brokerage piece. The last thing the market needs is geeks selling condos! Owen Lauerman is our broker and he and his partner Todd Shively are really really good agents. I recruited them because they know the condo market well… We are a brokerage here in Seattle and we do end up referring clients that are looking outside of the Seattle Core. We are serious about only working with Condo Experts and we do some back ground work but mainly we are referring to agents that have we have known for a while that have a great reputation in the condo sub culture. We work with some of the best agents in the area. This is part of the secret sauce that differentiates us from a typical facilitator. In Seattle we have 4 really good agents that work “for” CondoCompare and the rest are external agents working for Windermere, et cetera… As traffic has picked up we will more than likely add 5-10 more in the next 6-12 months.
We will be adding 3 more MLS’ in the next three months as well… New York, Portland and Atlanta.
Any more questions please let me know and than you again for your feedback…- 6. ARDELL - May 23, 2007
Hi Casey,
I refer to many of “the guys” as “the Geeky Boys” i.e. Robbie Paplin, Galen Ward, Dustin Luther, the Zillow Crew and Glenn Kelman, to name just a few. So you are in “good company”. Most say “Traditional Broker” vs. “Discounter” plus “Bottom Feeder Site”. I have upgraded that to “Traditional Broker” vs. “Geeky Boys”
I would have called you a new “Alternative Business Model”, except you aren’t. I had wished that you were. Your main “claim to fame” is your technology, much like the original Redfin site. So please know that I put you into the “Geeky Boy” category as your pedestal, and not as a knock.
Being a former “Condo Queen” myself, I consider myself to be one of the foremost experts of condo sales on the “contract to close” end. Weakness of most agents being the part where they hand over the Resale Certificate or POS to the buyer, and then hold their breath for 5 days hoping the buyer puts it on a stack of papers, and never opens it until the time runs out on the contract “out” phase
I celebrate your website. Start a blog on the unique features of a condo sale, like how to break into the Condo Manager’s office and look at the Reserve Study, if the Summary Page is not in the Resale Certificate, and I’ll put you on the Condo Expert pedestal. For now…it’s a great website and I blow that trumpet to your benefit and acclaim.
If your method of picking “condo expert” is “sold a bunch of them and willing to pay the referral fee”, well then…you know. I can go buy “Number 1 Expert”. I think you should clarify that “expert” status for the benefit of your “clients” on the site. Until then…it’s not all that credible for me. I’ve seen that term thrown around a bit too much in this business to apply the dictionary definiton to all the “real estate experts” out there. It’ s like saying “I’m #1 (my Mom said so)
- 7. ARDELL - May 23, 2007
Hey Ben,
Since you wanted me to dub you “The Condo King”, tell me. What do you do when there is no Reserve Study Summary in the Resale Certificate? What do you do with the Resale Certificate procedurally?
Not trying to knock you, just giving you a chance to take the Crown.
- 8. Galen - May 23, 2007
Sweet site - pretty, easy to use and informative. Good work condo dudes.
- 9. ARDELL - May 23, 2007
I often say “Oh those Gee ky Boys!” Janet Jackson style. Is that offensive?
- 10. Casey - May 23, 2007
Thank you for the follow up email… I am not offended in the least, especially if you are saying it in Janet Jackson style.
As for claim to fame we are still working on that… but I wouldn’t necessarily compare us with Zillow as we are a brokerage and not with Redfin as we aren’t trying to cut the legs off of good agents and we believe whole heartedly that working with a really good agent is well worth the price that is paid. I think it cost more to work with a Redfin agent than you could possibly save… Redfin has it all wrong, and you are right, they are/were just a technology backed by agents that couldn’t make it in real estate that took a 50K ish salary instead and pretend to be agents. The fact is, any good agent would never work there for the amount of money RedFin is paying. That is a whole subject worth diving into, and I am wrapping something up on our condo compare blog here shortly to go over it.
The difference is in the details and a mere technology won’t last forever, but I do think we are different than every player in the market in that we are putting condos in context, and giving potential buyers access to condos immediately via our condo compare agents. May seem simple, because it is… but it is a huge difference. Most companies that have MLS access have a Slow Time, I mean a Floor Time agent that doesn’t even know how to spell condo answering the phone. At CondoCompare, if a buyer wants to see a condo in the flesh, they can call, chat or email and within 30 minutes (in most cases) the door is open and the tour begins with an agent we have pre-screened. I do think that this is an “Alternative Business Model” in many ways.
I wanted to address the “Condo Expert” question… Here in Seattle I know a ton of agents (I have lived and worked here for 15 years) and it is pretty easy to tell the experts from the armatures both from their knowledge base, condo sales experience and their reputation. Since this is our first market, I think we are getting by very well via our existing relationships with good agents and the word of mouth referrals to good agents. We do have a “CondoCompare Certification” we are working on getting passed for continuing education credits. This class covers all of the condo issues such as the one you addressed above and will be the cornerstone as we expand into new markets. The point to the website is to give users the best information (format and function) with access to really good condo agents. Before CondoCompare, where would a buyer even begin? Condo blogs have interesting information for sure, but there is a gap between interesting and usable. The gap between blog content and live MLS data. We are hoping to create the bridge and come along side all of the condo experts (like yourself) who have great information but are limited without MLS data in a condo format. Does that make sense? Let’s talk offline if you are indeed the “condo queen” as we could definitely find a way to work together.
- 11. ARDELL - May 23, 2007
Let’s go back to…WOW! You guys have a great site!
Now you say “Thank You, Ardell”
And I say, “You are very welcome.”
I plugged your site because I truly think it is fab and useful to our readers. Let’s get off the whole “my business model is better than Redfin’s” thing. I’m just sick of hearing about everything Redfin doesn’t do right. At least sandwich what they do wrong with a couple of things they do right. You lost me at, “we aren’t trying to cut the legs off of good agents”. I don’t even want to know what you were thinking when you said that.
- 12. Owen - May 23, 2007
A resale certificate with out a Reserve Study Summary wouldn’t constitute delivery or a complete resale certificate and wouldn’t start the clock on your 5 days for review. I would make sure the listing agent got it to me before her 10 days was up and advise my client on their options.
Where are the crowns at?
- 13. Jennifer - May 23, 2007
Great concept and a simple easy to use format! Definitely a great help to consumers and agents alike. It would be nice to see details on property features in the side-by-side comparisons such as pool, gym, extra parking, etc.
I did notice that you have only 4 buildings total listed for the Microsoft Bellevue and Redmond area (Harper Hill isn’t even on there). Are you still working on inputting buildings and establishing your database?
- 14. Louisville Real Estate - May 23, 2007
Great post, thanks for sharing the site information. It looks like a really interesting concept, and I’m looking forward to trying it out.
- 15. ARDELL - May 23, 2007
I know a Reserve Study Summary page is required in CA. Where does it say it is a requirement in WA? Do you quote “a law” when you tell the listing agent it HAS to be there? Thanks. Any references to good books on what the requirements are would be appreciated as well. I know CA has such a book listing all the legal requirements of HOA Boards. Does WA?
There’s only ONE Crown, and right now Matt Goyer has it and Ben wants it. Oh wait, I just remembered. There is actually an agent who calls himself the Condo King AND he has a crown on his head in his real estate photo on his business card. It’s a riot! I remember seeing his card in a condo I sold over in Juanita. But his is a “self-bestowed” crown, so I don’t think it counts.
- 16. Ben K - May 23, 2007
Hmm…since I write King tv’s condo section..does that make me King Condo.
The reserve study summary isn’t part of the NWMLS resale cert, so it would need to be requested by addendum along with board minutes. It’s my understanding a reserve study isn’t even required in WA.
Though, based on your comments above I checked out WR’s hotline and it states that a statement of reserves must be included in the resale cert. So I’m guessing WR has its own resale cert?
- 17. ARDELL - May 23, 2007
A “statement of reserves” could mean the amount of money in reserves, which does have to be, and always is included. But it is very difficult (though not impossible) to tell if the amount in reserves is sufficient, without the Reserve Study Summary page.
In CA a sizeable complex has to have a Reserve Study done once every 3 years or anytime there is a substantial need to do one in between. I wonder why WA doesn’t require that they be done and included in Resale Certificates and given to owners once a year? Given the number of condos being built and apartments being converted to condos, I think WA should beef up the regs regarding their management and transfer requirements.
If the complex is 19 years old it could have a 3 year old roof or need a new one next year. The former would require less to be in reserves than the latter. What good is it to know that a complex has a Million Dollars in Reserves, if the Reserve Study says they should have Three Million?
It’s not an exact science, especially when you have a flat roof. But I wonder how Owen can say they consider the Resale Certificate to be incomplete without one if it’s not a requirement that Board even have one?
I do agree, Ben, that the King 5 thing should give you a leg up on that Crown.
- 18. ARDELL - May 23, 2007
I found this article on SCL which appears to be the beginning of a series about the Reserve Study. It was right above Ben’s First Anniversary post. Happy Anniversary, Ben! Sorry we missed that.
- 19. Owen - May 23, 2007
I quote the addenda where I request it along with two years of minutes and some other tid-bits of info.
I’ve gotten one a few times.
- 20. ARDELL - May 23, 2007
Thanks Owen. Good Answer!!!
- 21. Matt Goyer’s Real Estate Blog » Blog Archive » I don’t cut off legs - May 23, 2007
[…] However, when their CEO makes a comment about my company like the one below on Rain City Guide it really pisses me off: But I wouldn’t necessarily compare us with Zillow as we are a brokerage and not with Redfin as we aren’t trying to cut the legs off of good agents […]
- 22. Galen - May 23, 2007
Ardell, I am a geeky boy and I am definitely not offended when called as much. Perhaps they are “business dudes” - those guys don’t like being called geeky.
- 23. ARDELL - May 23, 2007
How about “Geeky Business Dudes”
- 24. Galen - May 23, 2007
No, I don’t think that would work. That’s like “positive negative comments.”
(By the way, GuestPerson, usually the spam filter catches long or link filled comments - just holler and one of us will fish them out. Especially nasty personal attacks get filtered by Ardell or another contributor - not saying yours was, just letting you know what does and doesn’t get filtered)
- 25. ARDELL - May 23, 2007
Apparently several troll comments come up with different names and the same IP address. Should that person one day make a “non-troll” comment, the spam filter will still recognize the IP address as spam or troll.
- 26. GuestPerson - May 23, 2007
Troll comments? Huh?
All I did was call out Ardell, not a personal attack by any means.
She’s really, really starting to get me angry.
- 27. casey - May 24, 2007
There were a couple of buildings that were labeled in the community Bellevue as opposed to Microsoft. It has been changed and everything should be accurate… For the record, we import from the MLS every 30 minutes, so… if the listings exist on the MLS they will exist on our site as well.Any more feeback/questions please let us know…
Thank you
- 28. ARDELL - May 24, 2007
From my perspective, this is the only site I have ever seen that presents the info in a better format than the agent access mls site.
- 29. casey - May 24, 2007
Thank you… that is a huge compliment… A bunch of our agent friends prefer to use our site over the MLS as we have taken great measures to present the info in a more contextual way. Thanks a bunch for the feedback…
- 30. Ben K - May 24, 2007
Life is grand when one’s anonymous.
- 31. casey - May 24, 2007
Jason, it is hard to take anyone seriously that just posed as a customer in order to point out a few flaws. First I will tell you, the people running the chats are chatters not experts. In this case, you can see the chatter went from Customer Service to Owen when the chatter was a little out of their league and Owen happened to be in the office and was able to take over. The chat is set up for potential buyers to meet with an agent and get access to info immediately. It is not intended to be a fountain of knowledge for the condo buyer, or in your case the pretend condo buyer. Can you just imagine if we had all of our Condo Experts working our chat? We are expanding into quite a few more markets over the next few months and you can be certain that we won’t have highly paid, spooky smart agents working our chat. Like I said, if a buyer or seller wants access to a condo expert our chatters/receptionist will be more than happy to set up the appointment and a real life condo expert will show up at the meeting. Your argument that “Condo Compare isn’t all its cracked up to be” would be the same as me calling your office, pretending like I wanted to buy a condo, then doing a write up on your receptionist at your “anonymous office” not knowing nearly as much as I would expect. And you call yourself an expert… your receptionist knows very little… Good job waisting everyone’s time…
- 32. Owen - May 24, 2007
“#3: It’s not a bad thing that not all the units are sold in a building in pre-sale? Come on! that’s some horrible logic.”
I stand by what I said and if anyone would like further elaboration , my number and email is at the end of the chat.
- 33. Allen Benson - May 24, 2007
Id have to say nice job on the site very well done.
We do a similar site is SOCAL Condos Etc
I like the concept “High Tech Traditional”
- 34. ARDELL - May 24, 2007
Jason H.
1) I said I liked the site. What’s not “to believe” about that?
2) I was the one who gave Matt the crown, so what’s your beef?
3) We’re joking…there is no crown.- 35. ARDELL - May 24, 2007
Special Announcement,
Since we have confirmed that the comments made here attacking Condo Compare were made by a Realtor who is a competing broker, I have decided to delete his deceitful comments. A licensee posing as a consumer, printing the conversation, attacking a competing broker, and doing so anonymously is clearly unprofessional and unethical.
I will not permit my post to provide the means for his deceit and mean spirited attack. We were able to identify the brokerage and office where the agent works, and we are positive that the reputable company for which this person works, would not permit the agent to not disclose his true identity when speaking with another brokerage.
Seems odd that the person telling everyone else that they are breaking laws, and not to be believed and not “good enough”, is the one committing fraudulent, unethical and unprofessional behavior.
At any rate, I refuse to provide a forum for his attack and deceit.
- 36. Jennifer - May 25, 2007
quick turnaround, I like thatI also like how you list the HOD directly under the price. The ease of actually being able to search in the Microsoft neighborhood is a great feature. Thank you!
- 37. Justin Bowers - May 28, 2007
I love the CondoCompare website. I’m am a little jealous that it’s taken off so quickly. I’ve been building my website on downtown area condos for 3 years, and believe I have more content. But, thier advanced technology is great. Kudos
RentSpider is now
RentSpider who got bought out a while back from has now changed their name to
Looks like they charge $49 for 30 days.
Is it me, or did they make it really hard to find the rental ads on the site?
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- Starting to Take Off (June 21st, 2007)
16 users responded in this post
It looks like, except it costs $49/month instead of free!
We have changed the goal of our site from being just a listing site to concentrating on distributing ads to many of the top property listing sites. Soon we will add our own listing search site but all properties will be obtained via the rentaladdress system. In addition in the not to distance future we will be adding new features to allow for a complete property website including things like: Pay Rent On-Line, On-Line Applicant screening, Utility Hookup, Maintenance request and more.
Thanks for stopping by. I see you are distributing out to only free sites - any desire to distribute out to paid sites like mine?
We will be looking in to that very soon. In fact we are in the process of working on some deals with some of the largest paid sites. We are always looking for more places to list our properties and if the traffic can be proven for our cost then we will consider them.
it seems like it is a website were you use your address as a url -like kinda thing i have one of those sites i was planning on doing called as i figure it would just be a matter of time before it would find its way in to the rental market
When was rentspider sold? I missed that sale
Maybe I am reading wrong? Looks like they will compete with rentmarketer business model? I think that will be tough..Dan has a really strong product!
I had lunch with the spider guys I think in the summer right after it happened. They work in the next town over.
Do they still allow there free feed partners? I would think they will eliminate that eventually.
Maybe Cid will come back and answer your question.
We do like the rentmarketer concept and will be providing many of the feature they offer and a lot more. We are also going to keep the feed partners but will be changing the model so that we will only broadcast property that have paid the the service.
Super Home Rentals - Until more in the sales starts to use the single home sites, I don’t think you will see many doing it on homes for lease. At least in the Denver area. I know that I make sign riders for my homes with the property address as the URL which I point to a page I create. If someone could do this for property managers as part of the service, provide a sign rider with the address as the URL vs. the URL of the listing provider, and then have the URL point to the listing provider’s page of that home without a lot of additional cost, it may be something that can work. I wish you luck on the endeavor!
i have that already i dont do it for property managers per say as i provide the following service to my high end customers who have a rental home that rents for more then $10,000 a month i have two sign riders one is were it is a 1-800 number and it tell’s you about the home and then tells you the street address and were to view the home says the following : the home you are looking at is a 3 bedroom 2 1/2 bath with a in-ground pool also tell’s you what schools in the area etc … etc…the address of this home is also 1129 Arco Drive you can also view it at When a renter calls to hear your “audio tour” of your listing, the system emails you their number (caller id) instantly so you NEVER MISS A LEAD.
the other sign rider is a street address rider and it tells you the url then when the home is rented the website sites there till it need to be rented again if the landlord decides to sell the home we can use the same url and info and then when the home is sold the website become’s a family website (which has a family tree, family photo album,scrap book ,blog,recipe center,file cabinet,family events calendar,and more )
if we use the the sign rider that is the 1-800 number to sell the home the caller can also choose to have a return call from a mortgage company such as lending tree or from a moving company such as mayflower all of this is free
( you can also get the lead to also try and be the buyers agent if they are not already using one ) it is in use on our high end rental homes were rentals start at $10,000 a month in such areas as Miami or are in the only cost for this is the one time domain fee and then if they choose to have the family website we charge for hosting each month and we charge for the hosting of the street url when it is in use for the rental or sale of the home but the rest is free
we are trying to work on how to make it affordable in all markets
wendy - i have a friend that runs an ad in craigslist and in the paper just saying
3/2 view at nothing more nothing less
SuperHomeRentals - It’s good to hear that you are doing something like that for your high end customers. Because I do something like that for all of my homes, I tell them that I market all homes like they are high end homes. I think you have a good extra service that you provide - Keep it up!
Gezzz! I have a hard time keeping up with just my site as it is. I could not imagine all that extra stuff.
Who knows maybe one day the market will demand it?
RentBits | Rental Blog What is Section 8?
Many times, a renter may search for a property that accepts section 8 vouchers. If you are a real estate investor what does this mean?
What is Section 8?
Section 8: The section 8 housing is designed to increase the housing choices for low-income household by making privately held single family housing available to them. The government provides rent subsidies, either rental certificates or vouchers, on behalf of the eligible tenants. These vourchers usually equal the difference betweem 30 percent of the houshold’s adjustable income and the HUD-approved fai market rent (for certificates) or the PHA - approved payment standard (for vouchers)
Section 8 Rental Sites
HUD Property Search
Social Serve
Landlord’s Guide to Section 8
How does the Section 8 program work?
How do I list my apartment with Section 8?
Does the Housing Authority screen Section 8 tenants?
Who pays the security deposit?
Do I sign a lease with the tenant?
What kind of inspection is done?
How much rent can I charge?
How do I get paid?
May I evict a Section 8 tenant?
RentBits | Rental Blog section 8
If you are currently looking for a section 8 application, we have some section 8 resources for you. The Section 8 voucher and certificate programs together help over 1.4 million households in the United States. There are massive amounts of information on section 8 and we wanted to aggregate it to save you time from searching all over the internet. Let’s review some questions first.
First off, are you eligible for section 8 or affordable assistance from the government?
Eligibility for section 8 is determined by the Public Housing Authority (PHA) based on the total annual gross income and family size and is limited to US citizens and specified categories of non-citizens who have eligible immigration status.
- Are you a US Citizen or is at least one member of household a US citizen?
- Family’s income must not exceed 50% of the median income for county or area.
- By law the PHA must provide 75% of its voucher to applicants whose incomes do not exceed 30% of median income
- You can search HUD Median income levels here and here.
- Do you have good references, showing you paid your rent on time and have good standings with residences?
You are not eligible if:
- You have a history of drug use, alcohol abuse or violent criminal behavior.
- You committed fraud in connection with a federal assisted housing program in the past
- If the apartment or home you plan to rent is owned by a family member or other close relative
During the application process, the PHA will collect information on family income, assets, and family composition.
If the PHA determines that your family is eligible, the PHA will put your name on a waiting list, unless it is able to assist you immediately. Once your name is reached on the waiting list, the PHA will contact you and issue to you a housing voucher.
What Income is Counted?
This table shows the types of income that are counted when finding your household’s gross income for Federal tenant-based rental assistance programs such as Section 8.
Counted in Household Income Total income of all household members 18 and over including:
| Not counted in Household Income
How Do I Apply for Section 8?
To apply for section 8, contact your local housing authority.
55 Responses to “Where to Apply for a Section 8 Application”
I’m gonna be neww to georgia and i need to know where to sign up for section 8 vouchers!
By kashanda on Dec 1, 2007
Thank you for this valuable information on section 8.
By Stacy on Dec 1, 2007
By johanna on Dec 1, 2007
I would like to know the address to apply for section 8 here in jupiter florida ,I’m trying to help someone else, I need to have the office address, thank you
By iris on Dec 1, 2007
I have a house i want to put on the list to rent out. so who do i call or contact.
By robert on Dec 1, 2007
Hi Johanna and Iris,
To apply for section 8 in orlando you must first contact the local housing authority. You can do so here:
By Dan on Dec 1, 2007
Go to to rent out your property quickly.
By Dan on Dec 1, 2007
i just move back to Cleveland ohio.Right now i have not work for a very long time and can not work at a regular job.
Because of heart problem.I wanted to apply or section 8 and trying to look for something around the Lakewood area in Ohio
i hope someone can help me,Right now no income and staying places to place
By Eric on Dec 2, 2007
I need to know who to call if I’m having problems with the person who deals with my section 8 the contractor. She is a very nasty ignorant person.
By Ericka on Dec 2, 2007
I need to know where can I apply for section 8. My mothers is in disability and its just my brother and I. I would like to apply for section in the city of Motobello…can you help?
By Kayla on Dec 3, 2007
Where do I apply for section 8 for Oakland County also Wayne County for state of Michigan.
By Travice on Dec 3, 2007
I’m looking to apply for housing
By derrie on Dec 4, 2007
i will like a applcation for section or houseing to get a 2bed room appartment i will like the applcation to send by mail.
By lianne on Dec 4, 2007
I would like to know how and where to apply for section 8 in Stockton, California and Sacramento, California
By Sheila on Dec 4, 2007
I would like to know where i can apply for section 8 in new york. I am a single mother with 2 boys and i got kicked out of my mom’s house. Unitl i get my own apartment, my boys will be staying with my mom & i’ll be staying a few days at a time with different friends til i can get my own place.please help.
By JESSICA on Dec 4, 2007
i would like to know if a single person can apply for section 8 and also where i could aplly in glen burnie maryland
By angelina on Dec 5, 2007
My income is $625 per month from SSI and I live with my grandson. How much of my rent will Section 8 pay if I qualify?
By JAMES on Dec 5, 2007
can you rent an apartment using your section 8 cert. if the owner is a family member?im disabiled and the apartment meets my disabiliy requirement
By tabatha on Dec 5, 2007
disabled can i rent from family using sec 8 cert
By tabatha on Dec 5, 2007
look I have been looking for section8 since I have obtained custody of my three boys I need it one of my children is going through a learning disability do i applied for in newark, new jersey they denied me someone PLEASE give me some info the is going to provide results My children And I have Been moving from place to place and even been in quite a few shelters PLEASE PLEASE I come o you as a honest father who trying to raise three boys Help me???
By Dana on Dec 5, 2007
I was wondering where can I apply for section 8 here in Virginia, Fredericksburg area. I am self employed but Im looking for a job in the process.
Thank You,
Tammy DurrettBy Tammy on Dec 6, 2007
i moved to georgia to make a better life for my three kids. since i’ve been here,i’ve lost one of my kids, to death of natural causes. i’m in a position now where i just quit a job because i was hired for another job i applied. i’m living with someone an i need a place of my own for my kids an myself. I REALLY NEED HELP. i have to be out the residence where i live by DEC.21,2007. Its cold to be outside with my kids. can section 8 or any housing program help with assisting me. do i qualify?
By sonja on Dec 6, 2007
i have a website were people can veiw section 8 homes and appartments i am now looking for people to post on there the listing for free and to view it is for free please look over my website and feel free to view it allows for section 8 homes to be listed on their website for free
I will like to know where I can apply for section 8 in palisades park, new jersey. I am a single mom with two children. Thank you.
By sally on Dec 7, 2007
I need to know the status of my section application in richmond va where and who must i call?
By Cheryl on Dec 9, 2007
i was looking for a application for section 8 if you would help me out…thanks
By sara on Dec 10, 2007
I was wondering where to fill out a section 8 apllication in Brandenburg, KY. Please let me know who I need to talk to. Thanks!
By Samantha on Dec 11, 2007
just started unemployment I’m living place to place I need to know if I can sign up for section 8?How do I go about it?Thank you
By joel on Dec 11, 2007
do you know of any programs in ct I can join in for training and housing I need something soon I have 2 children I have to help support.Please respond as soon as you can.
By joel on Dec 11, 2007
Hi, My name is Towanda Bailey and I am a single
mother of 2 kids 14 and 9 years old. I am looking to move to Georgia in the next 6 months. I already have section 8 now for a 2 bedroom. I need to know how do I go about transferring my section 8 to the city of Ackworth,Georgia. I want to be as prepared as possible. I also need to know if I transferred will the room size change and how much do they run for.By Towanda on Dec 11, 2007
By TRACY on Dec 12, 2007
i just moved to aurora colorado can you tell me were i need to go to singe up for section 8?
By carla on Dec 12, 2007
Please help me find the address for Miami/ Fortlauderdale FL, section 8 office or website.
By Yolande on Dec 13, 2007
i have been waiting 9 months to get help from sect 8. how long doe a person have to wait?
By vicki on Dec 13, 2007
Take my advise, pray. I’m a single parent with 4 kids. I have two on housing and the older 2 have came back to me. For reasons of my daughter’s safety and my son’s handicap, I allowed them to come home. I am now in jeopardy of being homeless. Think twice before allowing someone to live with you. Even if you have good reasons, they may not allow it. I still praying for mine. Please pray for me. Thank you in Jesus’ name.
By ronda on Dec 13, 2007
well first of all i am not very familliar with this program but i really need the help i am curentlly 4 months pregnant and i am a single mother i am looking for something in st charles naperville or west chicago if you have any information for me please contact me to my e mail thank you!
By jessica on Dec 13, 2007
i know someone who is in disability plus he just lost a leg in an accident he is geting a divorce so hes living
in his car what can he do or were can he go ? does he qualifies for section 8? i really want to do something to help him or at least i want to be able to give him some advice and fast. his 57 and alone he lives in escondido cal where can he apply?By monique on Dec 13, 2007
I would like to know how to apply for section 8 please help out thank you
By Marise on Dec 14, 2007
i need to know where you apply for section 8 for me and my son im a single mother who gets ssi
By beatrice on Dec 16, 2007
I am single and I work at the same place for the last 25 years, my income it’s around 25.000 a year I would like to know what my chances are of getting an APT. in section 8
By Dora on Dec 16, 2007
I would like to know where to apply for section
8 for me and my daughter we don’t have a stable place to live right now me and my child was living with my mom she was paying most of the bills she pasted away march 9,2007. The only income I get is ssi for my child and child support. I don’t know very much about the program we are really in need please someone help. god blessBy laneta on Dec 17, 2007
By WAMUIRU on Dec 19, 2007
I am 20yrs old with three kids and I don’t know too much about section 8 but I really need help getting started I need to know where do I go to apply. Is there a way I can do it on line?
By Kayla on Dec 20, 2007
By GENEVIEVE on Dec 25, 2007
I am on the waiting list for section 8 in Massachusetts I would like to relocate to Dallas,Texas. Can I apply for section 8 online for that area?
By monica on Dec 28, 2007
I am moving to Hammond Indiana and would like to now where can I go to apply for section 8 at.
By yvonne on Jan 14, 2008
I live Chicago Il. I would like to know where to apply for section 8
By Kesha on Jan 14, 2008
By YOLANDA on Jan 15, 2008
I am trying to move to the los Angeles area could you tell me how to apply for section 8.
By Rosonia on Jan 16, 2008
Were can I apply for section 8 online thoughtout maryland. I am a single hard working mother with two childern whose has been staying with friends& family for the last 18mns.
By celestine on Jan 27, 2008
i have 4 kids and still living with my mom at the age 36 and i need home bad for us me and my kids please
By betty on Jan 28, 2008
By antwanayia on Feb 3, 2008
By quinetta on Feb 3, 2008
Iam trying to get section 8 because i have to kids a 1 year old and and a 1 month and i need this please help me.
By shaniqua on Feb 5, 2008
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
How to go from being a renter to BEING A HOME OWNER
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Subprime Meltdown ...on 60 Minutes; Exclusive Video Only on Yahoo! News
By now, everyone has heard of "the subprime mortgage meltdown." It began in the U.S. but its effects are worldwide. Banks lent hundreds of billions of dollars to homebuyers who can't pay them back. Wall Street took the risky debt, dressed it up as fancy securities, and sold it around the world as safe investments. Steve Kroft focuses on one hard hit city: Stockton, California.
A House Of Cards
The foreclosure capital of America
» Watch ClipView VideoThe cold logic behind this couple's drastic decision
» Watch ClipView Video$1,400,000,000 of bad loans in just one town!
» Watch ClipView VideoOne family's disaster is another's buying opportunity
» Watch ClipView VideoPoll:
Who is to blame for the subprime meltdown?
- Banks and securities firms worldwide have written off about $133 billion in losses stemming from the subprime crisis, according to Bloomberg News.
- In 2007, for the first time in nearly four decades, the median price of a U.S. home dropped, according to the National Association of Realtors.
Anatomy Of A Disaster
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16 Responses to “What is Section 8?”
Thanks for the education. I know investors who would only rent to section 8 tenants because most of the rent is guaranteed.
By Wayne Miller on Oct 28, 2007
It means that you are getting rent on a guaranteed basis from the Government and the tenants are on a very short leash with drugs, gangs and such because they are in jeopardy of loosing their meal ticket if the violate the rules.
By Chris Pollinger on Oct 28, 2007
I didn’t like section 8 because I don’t want some government idiot telling me what I have to do.
By John Walters on Oct 28, 2007
Thanks for the info… I had a customer contact me last week that had such a voucher
By Scott Slocum 239 340 1384 SW FL Real Estate on Oct 28, 2007
I wrote a post yesterday about my experience with Section 8. Depending on your goals, it could be a good program for you. Of course, it also could really drive you nuts!
By The Property Pundit on Oct 31, 2007
How do I get a section 8 - I live in Greenwood Lake and I have been diabled all my life.
By D.Karon on Nov 14, 2007
i would like to say to the person who thinks people on sec 8 are dogs because the government has them on a short leash a bad tenant is a bad tenant and sec8 is not gonna make a person the ideal tenant and by the way there is a lot of people who pay full rent that need a leash
By jennifer frazier on Nov 21, 2007
I have appied for section8,but wasn’t accepted.
By ELVIA GREEN on Nov 22, 2007
I would like to rent my house in Villa Rica ga. section 8. Where do I get the information to do so. The contact number to office.
By DAN HENRY on Nov 23, 2007
Hi Dan,
The best place to advertise your rental property is to post it to many rental and classifieds sites at once. You can do this through or you can call us at 720.895.1949.
By Dan on Nov 23, 2007
is there anyway that you can send my an application to my e-mail address so i can fill it out and send it back to you thank you and have a blessed day
By penny robinson on Nov 24, 2007
please send application won’t to applie for section 8
By LATONYA TAYLOR on Nov 24, 2007
if the landlord has the house on foreclosures would i have to move?
By corwin s brown on Jan 11, 2008
to the young man who made the negative remark as far as meal tickets go its a lot of people who work hard and still need assistance and are preductive people of society its people like you who will keep america from going forward. if a person feels as if they need the assistance and the government agrees then shut up and get a life, you must have been denied!!
By tatylor lasady on Jan 13, 2008
i jsut started a new social network for issues of section 8 housing please feel free to join it at on the site we will have a rep from hud on it each week to answer people ?’s and help them we are also looking to maybe add a im chat kinda thing were the rep will be on line for maybe a hour or two every sunday -we now have three reps that have said they will help out so please let us know what you need thanks
By on Jan 31, 2008
Why do I see only blacks and latino’s being helped more so than a white person? I could be on there waiting list for years before they help me. And they can get in a lot quicker than I. How doese this work for all people?
By Michelle on Feb 3, 2008