Saturday, May 31, 2008

Rental Foreclosures Stun Tenants - AOL Money & Finance

Rental Foreclosures Stun Tenants - AO

Rental Foreclosures Stun Tenants

Posted: 2008-05-30 20:55:39

6 ousted CEOs: What they're doing now
  • Never pay retail again
  • Oil probe may uncover manipulation
    "I don't know what's going to happen the next day," she said. "I don't know if they're going to come to the door and tell us that we have to move, and I don't have anywhere to go."

    For Nomaaea, getting booted from the home presents another hardship: She lives on a fixed income and can afford about $1,200 a month in rent. It also means finding a new school for her children.

    Her 10-year-old daughter, Jeaah, said she prays to God every night. "I ask Him, I hope I get new friends and they like me and stuff, and that I like them back," the girl said.

    Stories like these are becoming more common, with renters becoming victims of the nation's mortgage meltdown through no fault of their own, experts say.

    "We know it's a growing problem," said Rick Sharga, vice president of marketing for RealtyTrac, a company that tracks foreclosures across the country.

    "It really is a frightening issue for tenants that have no way of knowing until almost the last minute that a landlord is defaulting on a property."

    The number of households to receive foreclosure notices for the first quarter of 2008 was up 112 percent from the same time last year, according to RealtyTrac.

    Sharga said that more than 38 percent of properties in foreclosure through the end of April were classified as "not-owner occupied," meaning they were second homes, investment homes or rental property. That's roughly 280,000 of the nation's 720,000 foreclosed properties.

    The hardest-hit areas are California, Arizona, Nevada and Florida.

    "What you had was dramatically overheated markets where people overextended themselves to buy overvalued properties and they used risky loans to get those properties," Sharga said.

    Foreclosure laws are governed state by state, and there is not much renters can do when their landlords get foreclosed on. There is no guarantee of being allowed to stay in the homes or ways to get their security deposits back.

    "There is very little in the way of protections for tenants," said Nadine Cohen, an attorney for Greater Boston Legal Services, which represents low-income people in Boston. "Many times, the tenants don't even know their buildings are being foreclosed."

    Cohen said some states in the Northeast have begun introducing legislation to protect renters from being evicted. A U.S. congressional bill that would have addressed the issue has been held up in conference committee.

    "People who are continuing to pay their rent are really victims of this mortgage foreclosure crisis and need to be protected. They haven't done anything wrong. They've lived up to the tenets of their lease; they paid their rent," said John Taylor, president and CEO of National Community Reinvestment Coalition, which works to promote access to basic banking services.

    "It simply smacks against all that is fair in our democratic society for people who have no control over bad decisions of other people, but ... they're impacted by this."

    Sharga said that in many cases, renters want to buy the properties being foreclosed, but the banks force them out anyway.

    "It boggles the mind. ... We're dealing with laws and regulations that really weren't made with this kind of situation in mind," he said.

    Nelson knows all about that. He called the bank to offer to buy the home he's renting but was told that he has to move out first and then make a bid. Now, he lives day-to-day, not knowing when he'll have to leave.

    "There could be a knock on the door, saying we have 10 days, two weeks. I don't know."

    L Money & Finance

    Friday, May 30, 2008 comes to ROLLINS COLLEDGE & UCF



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    How to Ease Cost of Commuting

    How to Ease Cost of Commuting - AOL Money & FinanceInc.
    GOOGLE ,Inc said it has seen an uptick in the number of employees using its van service, which travels as far as 60 miles to ferry commuters, says spokeswoman Sunny Gettinger. The company runs more than 150 shuttles a day for about 1,200 riders. But it's public employers who are moving to four-day weeks. At LeTourneau University in Longview, Texas, some 400 professional employees such as librarians and those handling information technology can opt to reduce their commuting time starting Monday. Dale Lunsford, university president, said controlling the costs of food and other economic factors are out of his hand. "But I think we can do something to help the price of gas," Mr. Lunsford said.

    I like this idea of a 4 day work week working ten hour days and having Friday off

    Best Celebrity Homes - AOL Home

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    Top Five Bargain Places to Own a Summer Home - AOL Money & Finance

    Top Five Bargain Places to Own a Summer Home - AOL Money & Finance

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    Thursday, May 29, 2008

    When Deaths Outnumber Births -- The Parable of Pittsburgh

    When Deaths Outnumber Births -- The Parable of Pittsburgh

    TechKnowBabble: What Is A Blog?

    TechKnowBabble: What Is A Blog?

    Communities designed with the future in mind -- --

    Communities designed with the future in mind -- -- OrlandoSentinel.comCommunities designed with the future in mind
    Continuing care retirement communities have all the usual features, plus the amenities seniors may need as they age.
    Howard Gleckman | Kiplinger Personal Finance
    May 11, 2008
    When lawyer Harry Weil retired in January 2000, he and his wife, Nancy, decided to settle in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., to be near her sister. Before selling their Pittsburgh home, they visited Maryland to look at the site of a future retirement community.

    Based on the developer's plans, they reserved an apartment at what was to become Riderwood Village. In September of that year, they moved in.

    But Riderwood is not a typical retirement community, though it has all of the amenities you would usually find at one, such as a fitness center, a pool and activities. Instead, this high-end campus with nearly 2,000 housing units is a continuing care retirement community, or CCRC. In addition to independent-living units, Riderwood, like most CCRCs, provides its residents with ready access to on-site assisted living and nursing care, should they ever need it.

    Harry, now 73, and Nancy, 70, paid a large upfront entry fee, with the promise that the money would be returned after they died. "I liked the idea of making a significant deposit that I would get back and pass on to my children," Harry says.
    Riderwood is part of a growing trend in retirement housing. Also known as life-care communities, CCRCs are rising in popularity, especially in wealthier parts of the U.S. According to the Census Bureau, the number of such developments has increased to 4,200 in 2004, up from 2,200 in 1998.
    Choosing a CCRC is not simple, however. There are financial, legal and medical issues to consider. "In theory, CCRCs are a great solution," says Nancy Fiedelman, president of the Aynsley Group, a McLean, Va., geriatric-care consulting firm. But, she adds, "People must take the time and energy to really understand what the community is."
    At most CCRCs, you pay an entrance fee, which is partially or fully refundable to you or your estate when you move or die. In addition, you'll pay a monthly fee for independent living. Some communities offer a life-care contract, where your basic fees are higher, but you won't be charged more if you move into an assisted-living or nursing unit. Most, however, add big charges for that extra care.

    At Riderwood, for example, the entrance deposit for a deluxe corner, two-bedroom unit with a sunroom is $446,000, with a monthly fee of $1,897 (plus another $594 a month for an extra person). Housekeeping services cost $27 an hour. If you need nursing-home care, you'll pay $247 a day.

    Nursing and assisted-living fees charged by a CCRC are usually comparable to prices you would pay at a free-standing facility. So what do you get for the entrance fee? Support and the peace of mind that you'll get care as you become more frail. Many developments conduct routine social service or medical assessments as you age. Some have doctors on staff. You can also stay close to a spouse who needs nursing care.

    Many CCRCs are operated by churches or other nonprofits, while some are run by for-profit companies. Riderwood, in Silver Spring, Md., was developed by Erickson Retirement Communities, a firm that runs 18 CCRCs in 10 states.

    If you like the CCRC concept, you'll need to plan well in advance. Waiting lists of three to five years are not unusual. Once you settle on a location or two, you can find CCRCs by checking with the local Area Agency on Aging.

    A nonprofit organization called the Continuing Care Accreditation Commission ( certifies a few hundred communities, but accreditation is voluntary. Many nonprofit CCRCs are members of the American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging (

    Homes of the stars --

    Homes of the stars -- --


    Money woes mean rush at midnight to feed kids
    Don Babwin | The Associated Press
    May 19, 2008

    A few days a ago I read a report were school kids were hording food to have food to eat at home at nite. They were taking food from there free school lunch programs. It is upsetting to me to see how people are willing to adopt kids in China now but are unwilling to help kids here in the United States.
    Below is a story of a mom and her kids that need help ! What makes it sad is that they are here in the United States.
    How do you think the kids feel going to sleep hungery each nite .
    CHICAGO - Danielle Brown stands outside a South Side market at midnight, braving the spring chill for her first chance to buy groceries since her food stamps ran out nearly two weeks ago.

    For days, Brown has been turning cans of "whatever we got in the cabinet" into breakfast, lunch and dinner for her children, ages 1 and 3, who finished off the last of the milk and cereal long ago.
    "Ain't got no food left; the kids are probably hungry," said Brown, 23, who relies heavily on her $312 monthly allotment of food stamps -- a ration adjusted just once a year, in October.
    This is what the skyrocketing cost of food looks like at street level: Poor people rushing into a store in the dead of night, filling shopping carts with cereal, eggs and milk so their kids can wake up on the first day of the month to a decent meal.
    Here's what it looks like another way: The number of Americans relying on food stamps has climbed 6.1 percent, from 26.1 million in February 2007 to 27.7 million in February this year. Every state except for Arkansas and Colorado saw the food-stamp rolls increase, led by Nevada and Florida -- both also hit hard by the housing crisis.
    The sputtering economy, persistent unemployment and the mortgage crisis have all contributed to the increase. The U.S. Agriculture Department expects the overall number of participants to reach 28 million next year.
    It all paints a picture that experts say is becoming more grim every month.
    "People with incomes below the poverty threshold are in dire straits because not only are food prices increasing, but the food stamps they are receiving have not increased," said Dr. John Cook, an associate professor at Boston University's medical school who has studied the effects of the food-stamp program on children.
    On the South Side of Chicago, what it means is that people like Danielle Brown wait for the stroke of midnight, when one month gives way to another and brings a new allotment of food stamps.
    Dennis Kladis began opening his One Stop Food & Liquors once a month at midnight nine months ago to give desperate families a chance to buy food as soon as possible.
    "I'm telling you, by the end of the month they're just dying to get back to the first," said Kladis, who has watched other area stores follow his lead. "Obviously, they are struggling to get through the month."


    Need to find your pet a new home? Business finds matches -- -- OrlandoSentinel.comAmy C. Rippel | Special to the Sentinel
    May 29, 2008
    When Ernie Walker realized he had to give up his dog Java, it was a difficult decision. Life changes, including a divorce, forced him to find a new home for the year-old chocolate Labrador retriever.
    But Walker didn't want the pup going just anywhere. It needed to be a special home.
    That's where Lovin' Pet Home Finders came in.
    Within a few days, the pet-adoption agency in Winter Park had Java placed in a Kissimmee home. The company, started by Garvin Mark, specializes in pairing pets with adoptive owners. Its Web site says it helps "throughout the entire USA."
    "I know the Humane Society is free, but I just like the idea of knowing my pet is all set," said Walker, who lives in the Baldwin Park neighborhood of Orlando.
    It all started about three years ago, when Mark was in a similar situation with his own dog, Murphy. Mark, 40, had just married and was traveling more for his management-consulting job.
    "I knew in my heart of hearts that I couldn't take him to a shelter," he said. "You just have to hope and pray that your pet goes to a good family."
    He was lucky enough to find the right family for Murphy, but that experience was an eye-opener for Mark, who lives in Lake Mary. He started his pet-placement business two years ago.
    Mark said pet owners use his placement service when they can no longer find the time in their lives for their pets, whether because of a job change, a baby or other circumstances.
    He said many pet owners don't want to send their pets to shelters such as Orange County Animal Services' because there's uncertainty about whether the pet will be adopted.
    Vanessa Bouffard, spokeswoman for Orange County Animal Services, said the average stay for a dog at the county shelter is 14 days and for a cat, about seven days. But some adoptable animals may stay for months, she said.
    "When all else fails, some adoptable animals are humanely euthanized. This is the sad reality of pet overpopulation and lack of spaying and neutering by pet owners," she said.
    She added that the county has a long list of pet-rescue agencies it works with daily. These agencies are registered with the county and are required to have inspections, among other things. She said consumers should be cautious when using private pet-placement agencies and understand the responsibilities of pet ownership.
    "It's just like with any other business -- it's good to do your homework," she said. "People don't have to be leery. Just know what you're getting into."
    Mark said Lovin' Pet Home Finders is not a pet rescue but rather a way for pet owners to get matched with caring new owners. The company is not registered with Orange County Animal Services because it deals only with pets that are already in loving homes, Mark said.
    "Rescues usually deal with saving the lives of homeless and abandoned pets," he said. "We are different and did not want to be another rescue. There are [thousands] of rescues. We wanted to create our own niche."
    For placement through Lovin' Pet Home Finders, people who have dogs or cats they want to be adopted must fill out an application about the animal's traits, health and habits. Prospective owners also fill out applications and answer questions about where the pet will live and their habits.
    Mark said he searches his resources to find a match, including his waiting list for potential adoptive owners. He also advertises in online classifieds, among other places. The owner and prospective owner then meet. The company, which Mark said places most pets within seven days, charges both owner and prospective adopter a fee: $90 for both the owner and adopter of a dog, and $90 for the owner of a cat and $50 for the adopter.
    Kyle Hawk of Windermere said he was skeptical at first when he found the company after an Internet search. But he needed to find a new home for his cat, Belle. The 3-year-old feline was not getting along with the dog in Hawk's home.
    Belle's new owner traveled from Fort Myers to pick her up.
    "I didn't want her to be caged and maybe mishandled," Hawk said of Belle. "It was just the perfect fit."

    Wednesday, May 28, 2008 in IRAN www.RentVine.ia ??!!

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    In Cuba, it is legal to rent private homes and apartments, otherwise known as bed and breakfasts, instead of rentl homes or vacation homes .These allow you to interact on a daily basis with Cuban people and to learn more about the Cuban culture as well. Also, if you rent a private home, you will lower your travel expenses.
    At they offer you a rental directory which includes: detailed descriptions and photos of each private home, prices and local area information. The best part about there service is that you can easily make your reservation online by clicking on there reservation page.
    In there rental directory you will find the following types of rental homes available:
    Private bedrooms with private bathroom sharing the rest of the house with the Cuban family.
    Private bedrooms with independent entrance with no need to share with the Cuban family.
    Complete private apartments and homes at your disposal with private entrance.
    Luxurious rooms in large homes with swimming pool in residential areas of Havana.
    At Havana Rentals if you make a reservation of lenghth longer than one month,
    then you will get a special 20% off discount.
    Havana Rentals offers booking service for lodging in Havana, Cuba.
    Every homeowner listed here at Havana Rentals has the license for renting.
    Since november 8th, 2004, the US dollar is no longer accepted in Cuba as before. Instead, the Cuban Convertible peso is the only accepted currency to purchase goods and services in every place where the US dollar was formerly accepted.
    How can a tourist or any Cuban acquire/purchase these Cuban Convertible pesos in Cuba?
    If you have US dollars, you can purchase Cuban Convertible pesos at the exchange rate 1:0,9 . Hence a 10% fine is imposed to the amount in US dollars that you want to exchange. This means that $10 US dollars equals to $9 Cuban Convertible pesos (CUC).
    If you have any other currency such as Canadian Dollars, Euros, Pound Sterling, you can continue exchanging that currency into Cuban Convertible pesos at the current US dollar exchange rate in any Bank and hence be able to acquire goods and services with these Cuban Convertible pesos. The exchange rate that will be applied will be the current Bank exchange rate between the US dollar and the currency you provide. This way, instead of US dollars, you will receive Cuban Convertible pesos.
    The above mentioned currency exchanges, can be carried out in any Bank within the Cuban territory, any CADECA exchange desk and also in the various International Airports in Cuba.
    CADECA is the name of the government official exchange offices where you can exchange the different currencies. They are widely available in Cuba. CADECA here means "Casa De Cambio" in Spanish.
    The prices in Cuba for goods and services, formerly payed in US dollars, will remain the same but must be paid with Cuban Convertible pesos. As said, this started on november 8th, 2004. The prices of the private homes will also remain the same and only Cuban Convertible pesos will be accepted as well. For this reason, the prices shown in our web site corresponding to US dollars, actually mean Cuban Convertible pesos.
    On the other hand, the Cuban pesos, which are different from the Cuban Convertible pesos, will continue circulating and will be valid to purchase the goods and services that are provided (mostly for Cubans) and that are priced in Cuban pesos. The current exchange rate between the Cuban Convertible peso and the Cuban peso remains 1:24. With 1 Cuban Convertible Peso you can get 24 Cuban Pesos in any CADECA exchange desk.
    We strongly discourage exchanging any currency with Cubans in the street in order to avoid being cheated. You will not be the first one who, being told by a malicious Cuban that the "Cuban pesos" are required to rent a car in Cuba, find your self exchanging $300 US dollars into 300 Cuban pesos (Cuban pesos are different from the Cuban Convertible pesos) . When this Cuban vanishes, and you unsuccesfully try to rent your car with these 300 Cuban pesos, you will realise that your initial $300 US had become less than $12 CUC because the exchange rate between CUC and the Cuban peso is 1:24.
    To summarize: US dollars are no longer valid for payment in Cuba since Nov 8, 2004.
    If you are planning a trip to Cuba, don´t bring US dollars as they will no longer be accepted to directly purchase goods and services here. Be aware that if you do so and bring US dollars, a fine of 10% will be imposed when exchanging these into Cuban Convertible pesos at any Bank or CADECA desk.
    Instead, we strongly encourage you to bring other currencies such as Canadian Dollars, Euros or Pound Sterling. Once here you will be able to exchange these other currencies into Cuban Convertible pesos at the current exchange rate of the US dollar in the Airport upon arrival or later in any Bank or CADECA desk in the Island. This way you will avoid the 10% fine that is imposed to those having US dollars. This is important to know as you will not even be able to pay the Taxi from the Airport without Cuban Convertible pesos.
    You will be able to re-exchange back the remaining of your Cuban Convertible pesos to either Canadian Dollars, Euros, Pound Sterling, etc, anytime or just before your departure in the Airport. In that case, the exchange rate that will be applied to your Cuban Convertible pesos will be the same rate between the US dollar and the Canadian Dollars, the Euro, or the Pound Sterling in each case, just as if you were providing US dollars. This means that if you provide, let´s say 100 Cuban Convertible pesos and you request Euros because you are going back to Spain, you will receive 130 EUR because the exchange rate between the US dollar and Euro is 1:1.30 .
    Note there will be no 10% refund when you re-exchange back your Cuban Convertible pesos into US dollars so you will receieve the same amount of US dollars as Cuban Convertible pesos you provide. Hence you will not get back the 10% that was imposed to your US dollars, if it was the case that you brought US dollars to Cuba.
    The payments issued to the homeowners for the renting services in their private homes, must be paid in Cuban Convertible pesos after November 8, 2004 as well.
    They have prepared a page with photos of the most common notes of Cuban Convertible pesos so you can start getting familiar with them.
    Disclaimer: The above text is for informational purposes only. Havana Rentals is not responsible for any lose or damage derivated from the information provided here.


    Iran's Housing Boom Creates Millionaires - AOL News
    TEHRAN (May 27) - Negar Ehteshami just paid the equivalent of $6 million in rials in cash for a luxurious apartment. But it is not in New York or London. It is in the capital of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
    "I am a millionaire because of this 300-square-metre apartment," said Ehteshami, a 56-year-old interior designer from a rich Iranian family who has always lived in an affluent northern Tehran neighborhood.
    Luxury housing rises up from a wealthy neighborhood in Tehran, Iran.
    "But nothing else in my life resembles the life of a millionaire," she said, moving her Hermes handbag out of the way as she closed the window of her apartment.
    "Here I feel (as though) I am inside a helicopter. I can see the whole city."
    Hers is a tale with echoes in much of the West: a house price surge fuelled partly by easy lending. In Iran, however, people are still being priced out of the market.
    Mansour Bagheri, a businessman living in Germany since 1980, hopes to make a fortune from this business model.
    "I get loans in Europe, where I live, and buy apartments in Tehran. I am all set to become super rich," he said.
    A real estate boom in the world's fourth-largest oil producer has been powered by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's economic policies since he was elected in 2005, economic analysts say.
    Real estate prices surged by more than 100 percent in 2007, after rising by about 65 percent in 2006 and more than 50 percent in 2005. Some economists see huge scope for the market to keep rising as, with interest rates below inflation, Iranians seek a store of value in property.
    "The high prices might be a bubble," said economist Reza Abdizadeh. "It might be fake and not logical. But it is a fact. Historically, housing prices have never dropped in Iran. The government might be able to stop prices from rising but will not succeed in lowering them."
    Shortly after Ahmadinejad was elected, his government came up with a plan for "quick-impact loans," handing out substantial sums to individuals and companies with plans to create jobs in Iran where the official unemployment rate is above 10 percent.
    This stimulus is also a textbook trigger for inflation and alarmed many, including the head of Iran's Central Bank, Tahmasb Mazaheri.
    "It has created problems since in effect ... the main issue is massive floating capital," said economist Saeed Leylaz.
    The government has said those who have used the money to invest in property and not for creating jobs will be banned from obtaining loans for five years.
    Criticized by politicians and economists for his populist economic policies, Ahmadinejad cut bank interest rates despite strong liquidity growth last year. They are now well below inflation, currently above 20 percent a year.
    Super Jump
    "When there is no other opportunity to invest, and interest rates of banks are around 16 percent, naturally money flows to real estate," said Ali Afshari, a real estate agent.
    The government has tried unsuccessfully to rein in prices.
    With one million prospective owners coming on to the market each year and Iran capable of building only 600,000 new homes a year, conservative politician Mohammad Khoshchehreh said there was a shortage of 1.6 million homes.
    Hamid Taghavi, a government employee with two children, sold his 60-square-metre apartment in Tehran to pay for his son's wedding in 2007. It has since become difficult for him even to rent a smaller apartment.
    "I wanted to buy a smaller apartment with the rest of the money, but it seems at the age of 55 I will be homeless in less than two years," he said.
    Stoking the fire, some real estate brokers and analysts forecast a "super jump" in prices in the coming months amid mounting international pressure on Iran to suspend its nuclear work.
    The United Nations has imposed three sets of sanctions on Iran over its disputed nuclear programme. In addition, Washington has blacklisted three of Iran's main state banks and, under U.S. pressure, European banks have also pulled out.
    "Low interest rates, strong housing demand ... and the threat of additional U.N. sanctions on Iran will fuel prices," said Mehrdad Divani, a broker, expecting yet more Iranian capital to go into bricks and mortar.
    Foreign capital has played a large role in the market's success, because of money repatriated by Iranians living abroad, which analysts believe has increased since Iran was first hit by U.N. sanctions in 2006.
    "Fear that assets may be frozen over the nuclear row and the economic recession in the West have accelerated money flows to Iran," said economist Bagher Safarian.
    An engineer involved in mass construction of houses in southern Tehran also saw prices rising even more in 2008 as construction booms in much of the country, including in towns near Tehran, where many poorer workers live.
    "People have money and they do not trust Iran's banking system because of political and economic instability," said Mansour Khalilian. "Also because the dollar and gold are losing value, people prefer to invest in real estate."
    Among those hit by rising prices are Mahmoud Rahimi, a 35-year-old government employee, and his wife Simin. He said it was now impossible for them to buy a small apartment in Tehran where prices range from $2,000 to $20,000.
    "If we do not eat, drink and basically do not spend a penny for 40 years, then maybe we can afford to buy a 20-square-metre house" said Rahimi. "If, of course, prices do not increase."

    Iran's Housing Boom Creates Millionaires - AOL News


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    eSnailer proves there's no free lunch | Webware : Cool Web apps for everyoneDespite the ubiquity of e-mail in all of our lives, most of us probably know someone who still doesn't use it. (Hi, Grandma!) And when was the last time any of us wrote and sent a letter via snail mail? A new service called eSnailer promises to bridge that gap by sending your virtual messages to actual mailboxes for free, but the whole process may cost you much more time and aggravation than the price of a first-class stamp.

    If eSnailer seems too good to be true, you're right. It is supported by advertising, and in order to have your letter delivered, you'll have to sign up for one of its "free offers." According to eSnailer, "This is at no cost or hassle to you and takes truly no time," but when you go through the actual process of sending a letter, you'll discover that the advertising offers are provided by MyInsiderDeals, a site rated "very spammy" by McAfee SiteAdvisor. After signing up at MyInsiderDeals, the SiteAdvisor team received 240 e-mails per week.

    You must select one advertising offer to send your letter via eSnailer.

    (Credit: CNET Networks)The other big warning sign for eSnailer is the lack of a privacy policy. On any site that asks for personal information like e-mail address, home address, phone number, or age, you should always read the privacy policy first. If there is none, your information can be sold to nearly anyone who wants it.

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    Welcome to the Homeless Services Network Home Page

    The Future of Affordable Housing in New Mexico

    Homelessness Resource CenterMixed-income households, supportive housing, and green sustainable design will be the future direction of affordable housing in New Mexico--that is if Mark Allison, Executive Director of the Supportive Housing Coalition of New Mexico (SHC-NM), has anything to say about it.

    Why this approach? According to Mark:

    *MIXED INCOME: Better integration of all income levels, as well as integrating formerly homeless individuals into the broader community. And it makes good business sense.
    *SUPPORTIVE HOUSING: Gives residents the support they need and integrates these services into permanent affordable housing.
    *GREEN SUSTAINABLE DESIGN: Not only it is the right thing to do, but it makes operations more efficient and affordable in the long run.

    The SHC-NM’s Statewide Development Initiative is building on more than 10 years of extensive Albuquerque-based housing development as it expands into smaller communities throughout the state. During the first year of this new initiative, the Coalition is developing more than 60 units in three communities. It will serve homeless youth, homeless persons with disabilities, homeless persons in recovery from substance abuse, and homeless families with children.

    The Coalition is working in the East, North, and Western parts of the state and is in conversations with two communities in the South, including a tribal entity. Future projects will focus primarily on permanent supportive housing for homeless persons with disabilities.

    In Albuquerque, SHC-NM is one year into implementing a Housing First program using tenant-based rental assistance vouchers. Today, the program serves 125 residents, utilizing 45 participating landlords, and expects to house 180 formerly chronic homeless individuals during its first phase. The Coalition believes this program can be replicated in larger communities across the state.

    For its innovative work, the SHC-NM was recently awarded the prestigious “Excellence in Design Award” by the New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority.

    Hire an Ex-Con, Get a Tax Credit - AOL News

    Hire an Ex-Con, Get a Tax Credit - AOL News

    Tuesday, May 27, 2008

    THE $775 Actors need a place to LIVE and ACT?


    Are you an actor? Are you wanting to come to Los Angeles? Then this company has arrangements for you...

    They are Actors House LA.

    They offer housing, utilities included, acting classes and other services for the actor including, headshots.

    Check out THERE website at for more information. Hurry spaces are limited.

    Actors House LA.

    Causes of Homelessness

    Camillus House: Causes of HomelessnessEroding Work Opportunities and Housing
    Declining wages have put housing out of reach for many workers: in every state, more than the minimum wage is required to afford a one- or two-bedroom apartment at Fair Market Rent. IN Miami - Dade county a family needs to work 126 hours a week at minimum wage in order to afford a moderately priced two bedroom apartment.
    In 1970 there were 300,000 more affordable housing units available, nationally, than there were low-income households who needed to rent them. By 1995, there were 4.4 million fewer available units than low-income households who needed to rent them.

    Camillus House: Homeless in Miami

    Camillus House: Homeless in Miami

    Find a Homeless Shelter, Food, Clothing, Shelter, Blankets, Shelter for families and children

    Find a Homeless Shelter - Find Shelters - Shelters, Food, Clothing, Shelter, Blankets, Shelter for families and children


    Who We Fund

    Boarding schools for Chicago's homeless? - Education-

    Boarding schools for Chicago's homeless? - Education-

    Miami-Dade County HOUSING CENTRAL -opening doors to housing

    Miami-Dade County Web Portal

    Best Retirement Communities - AOL Money & Finance

    Best Retirement Communities - AOL Money & Finance

    The House that Makes you Lose Weight - AOL Home

    The House that Makes you Lose Weight - AOL Home


    Report: Russian Search Leader Yandex Set for Massive IPO

    Report: Russian Search Leader Yandex Set for Massive IPO

    Rumor: Microsoft will Buy Facebook

    Rumor: Microsoft will Buy Facebook

    Russia’s leading search engine, Yandex, is set for a massive IPO this fall according to a report from Reuters. The site claims approximately 47% of the search market in Russia (Google is second), with revenues of $167 million last year. Yakov over at Quintura notes that the company has about 2.2% of the total European search market, which beats both Yahoo and Microsoft.

    The IPO would reportedly raise $2 billion for Yandex and value the company at $5 billion. That may seem aggressive, but dominant Chinese search engine Baidu trades at similarly lofty levels – 43x sales at today’s closing price of $372/share. Investors see dollar signs when a search player dominates a market in the way that Google dominates the US, and hence the interest in buying up shares of companies like Baidu and Yandex.


    Nielsen Online Releases April 2008 U.S. Search Rankings [SearchEngineWatch]

    Nielsen Online Releases April 2008 U.S. Search Rankings [SearchEngineWatch]

    Friday, May 16, 2008


    Here is a cute rental site just for college rentals ! So if you have a apartment rental to list or just need one for your college kids or your looking for one for your self check them out ! From the same people who print

    ABOUT they are owned and operated by What's Happening Publications. WHP publishes monthly entertainment papers, weekly newspapers, apartment guides, assorted periodicals, and operates multiple websites. WHP has developed unique marketing strategies for reaching college students.

    We have proven ourselves time and time again with methods to increase traffic to your apartment community. How do we do this?

    Focus - It's in the name, all we do is focus on properties that want college students. There is no need for students to filter out which apartments are for them versus which ones are strictly for professionals, retirees, or families. At, we do that for them. Students know when they use College Rentals, they will only see properties that want them.

    Design - We examined every major apartment search on the internet, then we took the best features from each one, combined then with a convenient, easy to use, effective format, and created

    Features - With, potential residents can do a complete search of available student friendly properties in your town. We offer a variety of search methods, ranging from price to specific amenities offered. Students can then view pictures, view floorplans, download the application, and even request additional information, which is an email that goes directly to you!

    Marketing - We spend money to bring potential residents to our site. The more students that visit our site means the more traffic you will receive. The more traffic we bring, the happier you will be. When a search is performed, is there. We also place banner ads on varies site, place print ads, radio ads, and much more to draw students to

    We also mail information to ALL INCOMING AND TRANSFER STUDENTS. These students are coming to the university, and you want them to move in your property. College Rentals WILL help you do this, we guarantee it!

    We could go on and on about ourselves, but we would rather you see what other people are saying about us.

    "The College Rentals website has generated much needed traffic to our site. It is a professionally designed website and has all the information a future resident is looking for. I highly recommend College Rentals to any apartment community looking to capture new residents"
    - Joanna Silbaugh, Campus Lodge

    "Royal Village at the University of Florida recently began working with Since the beginning of this relationship with Royal Village has been thoroughly pleased and excited to work with We have noticed an increase it "hits" and traffic because of this site. In every way we recommend's service to any and all companies looking for new residents."
    - Matt Merkle, Royal Village

    "I am very pleased with the results I have received from College Rentals. It really seems to appeal to the students unlike some of the other guides in town that cater to a larger area. Again, I have prospects specifically naming your guide. And for a property such as Gatorwood, it will help with marketing because it appears as if that property has a website. We are constantly receiving emails through"
    - Sally Ann Wilson, AMJ

    "We get great exposure from College Rentals. I have seen traffic generated from each and every ad hat we place. The distribution methods are the best I have ever seen. The staff goes the extra mile to make sure their publications are getting into the right hands. We have enjoyed working with What's Happening Publications and look forward to continuing our relationship in the future. We could not have reached our leasing goals without them"
    - Tracey L. Parker, Campus Club

    "The great part is people come in and remember where they saw our ad! They do not say, 'oh some guide. . .' they say, ' I saw it in College Rentals. This is invaluable when it comes to deciding where the 'always in short supply' marketing dollars should go"
    - Cynthia Armstrong, Capstone Properties

    "I am always thrilled with the final products. Overall, I'd say College Rentals is a first-class website"
    - Buddy Causey, University Commons, a Capstone Property

    "I can accurately say that the College Rentals website has generated over 250 inquiring pieces of traffic. On any given day I will receive 8 to 10 leads via email from the website. Each email contains simple questions that enable anyone in the office to reply back and assist the potential resident with any direct questions they may have. Our of all the possible internet sources that I am currently using, College Rentals is ten times more effective in reaching the traffic that I am striving for."
    -Matthew Hoch, Lexington Crossing

    "College Rentals is one of my most successful avenues for generating traffic to my community. I will definitely advertise with College Rentals in every market I oversee"
    - Steven Matthews, Davis Property Management

    "Where the rental market has become tougher than ever, I can not afford to make advertising mistakes. In 2003, my number one source of new traffic was College Rentals and Treehouse Village was listed in every Rental guide in town. Now I am listed in a couple rental guides and our leasing season is off to another great start with College Rentals leading the traffic pack once again. Dollar for dollar, an ad in College Rentals is the best advertising money that I can spend"
    -John Heise, Treehouse Village

    Relocate-America™ Big City Relocation

    Relocate-America™ Big City Relocation

    Thursday, May 15, 2008

    Rent or Buy? LOAN CALCULATOR

    Alan Sharp Barker--Realtor Should you Rent or Buy?For many, home ownership is not only a great source of pride, but can mean significant tax savings and even reduction in monthly payments depending on your interest rate and home loan specifications.

    Is home ownership the right path for you? Use this calculator to analyze the total cost to rent versus the total cost to own for a specific period of time. - Free Rent Updates for your multifamily apartment portfolio. - Free Rent Updates for your multifamily apartment portfolio. - Transcripts living paycheck to paycheck - Transcripts

    Anne Heche: I Can't Afford Child Support - Anne Heche :

    Anne Heche: I Can't Afford Child Support - Anne Heche : i wonder how many guys losing their home would get this kind of break -she is paying for a home in Canda and renting a home in LA -and made $65,000 in one month -some people dont even make that a year

    Blogging and Newspapers, a Lesson in How Not to Brand and Market - Blog Maverick

    Blogging and Newspapers, a Lesson in How Not to Brand and Market - Blog Maverick not Truth Full

    Today , I got an email from a friend of mine who list rentals with me in Orlando ,Fl and runs a real estate listing site also .In the email she states that claims to place higher on Google for the search term ''Orlando for rent " then other websites and claims to be ranked # 3 when in fact it is a smaller local company and posted the following to his blog stating RENTVINE DOING WELL IN ORLANDO
    As you can see I have the #3 spot for a competitive phrase in Google for the Orlando market. This makes me happy.
    I looked at his post on his blog in it it states he is ranked # 3 when in fact he is listed #5 she claimed she posted it on his blog the fact that he was # 5 and he didnt let her post it on his blog . Her ''calling him out on that'' looking at his listings of the Orlando area he only has 7 listings anyway so, why would someone looking for rentals in Orlando stay on his page for a long time if you were looking for a rental and saw he has 7 you would go else were - comes in on the top then in second comes then in third comes and then I personally don't like the fact that he claims to rank higher then he does maybe thats why behind his back they call him RENTWHINE always WHINING about not being # 1 on GOOGLE
    **** I now see he HAS posted her remarks in his response he states he is number 4 still out ranks IS # 3 and for the term orlando houses for rent is ranked # 2 !

    DAVE stating the following :

    Sorry you feel that way.

    I can promise you I did not PhotoShop those results. I did not lie at all.

    As of this morning I am number #4, just behind and

    Please check to see if you have personalize search turned on in Google. If you visit a site a lot (if it is your own site) you will see the site go higher in the ranking with personalize search turned on.

    I have it turned off.


    funny how you are number 5 on my google when i type in those keywords

    number 1 is and number 2 is and then number 3 is and then 4 is and ooo look here is number 5 , maybe we all should go back and check and see what other things rentwine has lied about

    RentVine Doing Well In Orlandoblog/">Home Rental Blog


    Tuesday, May 13, 2008

    - More Rental Market Uncertainty

    Realty Times - More Rental Market Uncertainty

    Happy Renters Make Happy Landlords

    Realty Times - Happy Renters Make Happy Landlords

    Is 2007 The Year For Rentals?

    Realty Times - Is 2007 The Year For Rentals?

    Realty Times - Power Renting Could Save Your Home Sale

    Realty Times - Power Renting Could Save Your Home Sale

    Realty Times - New Rental Report: Mixed Market Conditions

    Realty Times - New Rental Report: Mixed Market Conditions

    Realty Times - 'Either-Or' Apartment Projects

    Realty Times - 'Either-Or' Apartment Projects

    Realty Times - New Trend: Trends Reporting From Listing Sites

    Realty Times - New Trend: Trends Reporting From Listing Sites

    Realty Times - Landlords' Market Resumes In Rental Sector

    Realty Times - Landlords' Market Resumes In Rental Sector

    What Students Want in an Off-Campus Rental

    Realty Times - What Students Want in an Off-Campus Rental

    Realty Times - Second Homes: Vacation Rentals Get Free Google Listing

    Realty Times - Second Homes: Vacation Rentals Get Free Google Listing

    A Report from Baja California Sur, Mexico

    Realty Times - A Report from Baja California Sur, Mexico

    If You Think You're Saving Money Renting ... Think Again

    Realty Times - Realty Viewpoint: If You Think You're Saving Money Renting ... Think Again

    Realty Times - Condo Trends: Slow Housing Market Good for Rentals

    Realty Times - Condo Trends: Slow Housing Market Good for Rentals

    Condo Trends: Cool Sales Mean Hot Rentals

    Realty Times - Condo Trends: Cool Sales Mean Hot Rentals

    Realty Times - Real Estate News and Advice

    Realty Times - Real Estate News and Advice

    Inside The World's First Billion-Dollar Home -

    Inside The World's First Billion-Dollar Home -

    First Focus

    First Focus

    New Report Reveals 2 Million Children Will Be Directly Impacted By the Foreclosure Crisis

    New Report Reveals 2 Million Children Will Be Directly Impacted By the Foreclosure Crisis

    Good-Bye, Cheap Oil. So Long, Suburbia?

    Good-Bye, Cheap Oil. So Long, Suburbia?

    Balconies and Terraces in New York Apartments - The High Life - Housing - New York Times

    Balconies and Terraces in New York Apartments - The High Life - Housing - New York Times

    Top 5ive Ways to Sell Your Home Fast -- No. 1 - AOL Money & Finance

    Top 5ive Ways to Sell Your Home Fast -- No. 1 - AOL Money & Finance

    Couple Will Lose 9 Investment Homes - AOL Money & Finance

    Couple Will Lose 9 Investment Homes - AOL Money & Finance

    Old Pumps Can't Handle $4 Gas - AOL Money & Finance

    Old Pumps Can't Handle $4 Gas - AOL Money & Finance

    Housing Crisis Knocks Loudly in Michigan -

    Housing Crisis Knocks Loudly in Michigan -

    Sprewell's Home Was Foreclosed Monday - FanHouse - AOL Sports Blog

    Sprewell's Home Was Foreclosed Monday - FanHouse - AOL Sports Blog

    Real Estate Blog - Tyson's Area Lofts convert to Rentals

    Real Estate Blog - Tyson's Area Lofts convert to Rentals

    Monday, May 12, 2008

    Renting can be smart money management - WalletPop

    Renting can be smart money management - WalletPop

    Recession makes for suprising roommies - WalletPop

    Recession watch: Recession makes for suprising roommies - WalletPop

    Bike Shops Thrive as Gas Prices Soar - AOL News

    Bike Shops Thrive as Gas Prices Soar - AOL News

    My Zimbio
    Top Stories

    10 Fastest Growing Real Estate Markets-- rentBits Rental Blog

    10 Fastest Growing Real Estate Markets-- rentBits Rental Blog

    66 Real Estate Services Every Agent, Property Manager and Investor Should Know-- rentBits Rental Blog

    66 Real Estate Services Every Agent, Property Manager and Investor Should Know-- rentBits Rental Blog

    Trulia Valued at $150 - $200 Million-- rentBits Rental Blog

    Trulia Valued at $150 - $200 Million-- rentBits Rental Blog

    The Power of Language-in the sale of homes - rentBits Rental Blog

    My Type of Home - The Power of Language-- rentBits Rental Blog

    Average Rental Rates and Prices in Top US Cities-- rentBits Rental Blog

    Average Rental Rates and Prices in Top US Cities-- rentBits Rental Blog

    Sentiment shifts in owning vs. renting a home -- --

    Sentiment shifts in owning vs. renting a home -- --

    Mixing homes, night life leads to complaints -- --

    Mixing homes, night life leads to complaints -- --

    Home is where the bark is -- --

    Home is where the bark is -- --

    Condos, Townhomes, and Lofts in Tampa, Florida: Lofts in Tampa - hard-to-find and high-demand

    Condos, Townhomes, and Lofts in Tampa, Florida: Lofts in Tampa - hard-to-find and high-demand

    Last year, 10,000 people filed complaints claiming housing discrimination, HUD says -- --

    Last year, 10,000 people filed complaints claiming housing discrimination, HUD says -- --

    TRANSPARENT REAL ESTATE ( The Real Online Real Estate Magazines

    TRANSPARENT REAL ESTATE ( The Real Online Real Estate Magazines

    Monday, May 5, 2008

    Top 11 Things Renters Want when Searching on a Rental Site-- rentBits Rental Blog

    Top 11 Things Renters Want when Searching on a Rental Site-- rentBits Rental Blog

    Millions of Americans face Foreclosure - AARP Bulletin Today

    Millions of Americans face Foreclosure - AARP Bulletin Today

    Scam Alert: The Rental Racket - AARP Bulletin Today

    Scam Alert: The Rental Racket - AARP Bulletin Today

    Senior Outlook - Housing Options for Senior Living

    Senior Outlook - Housing Options for Senior Living


    The Post

    Borrowers facing foreclosure trash homes on the way out - AOL Real Estate

    Borrowers facing foreclosure trash homes on the way out - AOL Real Estate

    Where America Lives: 5 Reasons To Rent | PARADE Magazine

    Where America Lives: 5 Reasons To Rent | PARADE Magazine

    Great Reasons To Rent | PARADE Magazine

    Great Reasons To Rent | PARADE Magazine

    The Best Strategies for Right Now | PARADE Magazine

    The Best Strategies for Right Now | PARADE Magazine

    Photo Gallery: Homes Across the Country | PARADE Magazine

    Photo Gallery: Homes Across the Country | PARADE Magazine

    Real Estate Internet Marketing for Real Estate Professionals: Don't just sell any listing sell your listing

    Real Estate Internet Marketing for Real Estate Professionals: Don't just sell any listing sell your listing

    Real Estate Internet Marketing for Real Estate Professionals: 4 Fears Preventing you from Succeeding Online

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    America's Fastest Dying Industries - LAUNDRY SERVICES

    America's Fastest Dying Industries - AOL Small Business
    i disagree with this as more people lose their home's or their jobs money will be very tight and most will not have any money saved if something goes wrong with there washer or dryer HOWEVER I dO feel that services like dry cleaning of shirts and pants will lose a lot of ground as that is a extra and most will not have extra money for that but I feel laundry mat's are a great business and will grow -Laundry Services
    Projected employment decline: -6.1%

    Projected revenue decline: -12.4%

    Projected gross product decline: -4.7%

    Over 90% of the laundry chains have less than 10 employees. This means relentless price-cutting competition among small firms.

    Wednesday, April 30, 2008

    Real Estate Blog - Predator Posing As Realtor to Access Property

    Real Estate Blog - Predator Posing As Realtor to Access Property

    Angry Renter: Oppose the Mortgage Lender Housing Bailout

    Angry Renter: Oppose the Mortgage Lender Housing Bailout

    Curbed SF: Are You an Angry Renter?

    Curbed SF: Are You an Angry Renter?

    FreedomTalks » Blog Archive » The Angry Renter

    FreedomTalks » Blog Archive » The Angry Renter the video at

    Apartment rental costs are all over the map - Real estate-

    Apartment rental costs are all over the map - Real estate-

    Residential Rents Strengthening Overall, But Sun Belt Sees Dip

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    Hillside Villas - The Apartments Made Famous by MTV-- rentBits Rental Blog

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    Americans unload prized belongings to make ends meet - Yahoo! News

    Thursday, April 24, 2008

    Tuesday, April 15, 2008

    Leading Luxury Real Estate Business Website for sale - eBay (item 230242974822 end time Apr-24-08 14:33:44 PDT)


    27 - REAL ESTATE DOMAINS ****TOP WEBSITES**** ALL .com - eBay (item 140223789502 end time Apr-21-08 09:20:25 PDT)

    27 - REAL ESTATE DOMAINS ****TOP WEBSITES**** ALL .com - eBay (item 140223789502 end time Apr-21-08 09:20:25 PDT) a few months ago blogged about the sell of domain names here is a guy trying to sell 27 names for $99,000.00 where do people come up with there figures to think this is WORTH this much ! -- makes me wonder what would be worth ON THE RUN ALLAN !

    Thursday, February 7, 2008

    One True Media - share slideshows, slide shows, MySpace slideshows, MySpace codes, free video sharing, video montages.

    The Jack Holidays 2007! at One True Media - share slideshows, slide shows, MySpace slideshows, MySpace codes, free video sharing, video montages.

    IF YOU LOOKING TO MAKE VIDEO THIS IS A GREAT PLACE LOOK AT THIS MADE VIDEO I REALLY LIKE THE FACT YOU CAN ALSO DO THINGS LIKE THIS FOR FREE ! ON THE RUN ALLAN Rental Homes for The Housing Authority & Section 8 in Columbus, GA Rental Homes for The Housing Authority & Section 8 in Columbus, GA

    House Hunting 101 | Home Buying Tips | Atlanta Georgia Real Estate | Atlanta Relocation

    House Hunting 101 | Home Buying Tips | Atlanta Georgia Real Estate | Atlanta Relocation

    Sawbuck Realty Blog: Launch: From a Secret to a Business in One Day

    Sawbuck Realty Blog: Launch: From a Secret to a Business in One Day

    Most visitors to open houses aren't in the market to buy a new home

    Most visitors to open houses aren't in the market to buy a new home

    Matt Goyer’s Real Estate Blog » Blog Archive » Traffic: Zillow (20%) vs. Trulia (300%)

    Matt Goyer’s Real Estate Blog » Blog Archive » Traffic: Zillow (20%) vs. Trulia (300%) coming to Fla

    CondoCompare, Inc. ( is coming to Florida. They host a consumer-oriented condominium (“condo”) database application with comparative tools and analytics. CondoCompare’s website,, is an on-line real estate brokerage that lists for sale tens of thousands of residential condo projects and units across its designated market areas with expansion plans across the continental U.S.

    They are currently seeking a Broker for the Florida market.

    New Seattle Area Condo Brokerage May 23, 2007

    logo 1I just love all the Geeky Boys turned Real Estate Broker. I know I’m not supposed to love them. I’m supposed to be threatened by them, or point out their weaker points. But I can’t help myself. They bring SO MUCH to the party!

    Truth be told, I like these new businesses better than I like some new agents who refuse to go measure the unfinished area of the basement, because they saw a spider web and they have their “good clothes on”.

    I happened upon Condo Compare when someone posted a comment on my blog with their link in it. At first I was miffed that someone was putting a commercial for another company on my blog in the comments. I am human after all. But I visited the site and started an “online chat” with the “expert agents”. The person responding turned out to be “THE Broker” at the other end of the chat line. What I find most endearing about Redfin and other Geeky Boys turned Real Estate Companies like CondoCompare, is they are so full of energy and a sincere interest to bring something new to the scene. They may not, and I stress “MAY” there, know as much about real estate as many of the other brokerages, because their background is in the technology field and not the real estate field. But I say let’s help them out. Let’s put out an outstretched hand, wish them well, and help them get a foothold. They have so much talent to bring to the field in the way of exciting new, never been done before, websites. I say, put your arm around their shoulders and celebrate what they DO bring, rather than play “whack a mole” every time they take a mis-step. AS-IF every agent in the Country has never done anything wrong (rolls her eyes) and is perfect.

    Anyway, back to CondoCompare. I rarely find a Public Website that presents info in a format that interests me, given I have access to “the real MLS” and Public Websites just fall too short of what I can accomplish in my Agent Access site. But this one is KEWL!!! I find the info, and the format of that info, to be quite PRICELESS! You can click on any condo building by name of building, and check the properties on market and the comps for EACH BUILDING separately.

    Maybe there are other sites like this, and they just didn’t put their commercial on my blog :) But I haven’t seen anything like it before, and would be interested in your thoughts. I think it’s great! And best I can tell, they are not breaking any “rules”, unless someone made a NEW RULE last night or tomorrow, so they can break one.

    Sure, I have a problem or two with their model, but I had a great chat with the broker. He’s figuring some of it out as he goes, like most people. We are trying to figure out technology (or not) and they are trying to figure out how to “get into the act” as Jimmy Durante might say. But if we embrace them, the marriage of “The Geeky Boys” and “Expert Agents” could push us up a notch or two into “The Future of Real Estate”. And that’s not a bad thing IMNSHO.

    Find more articles tagged with:


    1. Nickie - May 23, 2007

    That is a cool site! I like how they have it organized by building and allow you to compare!

    I also used the online chat (not sure if I spoke to the broker or not) and found out a bit more about their business and how they operate. It looks like they are refering out most of their leads to agents that are “experts” in their area. I didn’t get into what you have to do to be qualified as an expert.

    2. ARDELL - May 23, 2007

    Hi Nickie,

    No they are not doing that. I expected that too, but at this moment in time, that is not the case.

    3. Ben K - May 23, 2007

    I like their concept & format of displaying information and have visited their site on a number of occasions. With innovation (creativity & technology) we’ll be seeing more consumer-friendly sites.

    4. Nickie - May 23, 2007

    Hey Ardell,
    Sorry, should have clarified. They are doing that up here in Bellingham. They already have one agent from another brokerage that they refer to up here and they are looking for others. Maybe their agents cover the Seattle area and they only refer out in other cities?

    5. Casey - May 23, 2007

    Ardell, this is Casey… I am the CEO of CondoCompare. Thank you for your nice write up… I really appreciate your feedback minus the geek part of course :) In order… we are geeky boys that hired brokers and I as the head of the geek dept stay out of the brokerage piece. The last thing the market needs is geeks selling condos! Owen Lauerman is our broker and he and his partner Todd Shively are really really good agents. I recruited them because they know the condo market well… We are a brokerage here in Seattle and we do end up referring clients that are looking outside of the Seattle Core. We are serious about only working with Condo Experts and we do some back ground work but mainly we are referring to agents that have we have known for a while that have a great reputation in the condo sub culture. We work with some of the best agents in the area. This is part of the secret sauce that differentiates us from a typical facilitator. In Seattle we have 4 really good agents that work “for” CondoCompare and the rest are external agents working for Windermere, et cetera… As traffic has picked up we will more than likely add 5-10 more in the next 6-12 months.
    We will be adding 3 more MLS’ in the next three months as well… New York, Portland and Atlanta.
    Any more questions please let me know and than you again for your feedback…

    6. ARDELL - May 23, 2007

    Hi Casey,

    I refer to many of “the guys” as “the Geeky Boys” i.e. Robbie Paplin, Galen Ward, Dustin Luther, the Zillow Crew and Glenn Kelman, to name just a few. So you are in “good company”. Most say “Traditional Broker” vs. “Discounter” plus “Bottom Feeder Site”. I have upgraded that to “Traditional Broker” vs. “Geeky Boys” :)

    I would have called you a new “Alternative Business Model”, except you aren’t. I had wished that you were. Your main “claim to fame” is your technology, much like the original Redfin site. So please know that I put you into the “Geeky Boy” category as your pedestal, and not as a knock.

    Being a former “Condo Queen” myself, I consider myself to be one of the foremost experts of condo sales on the “contract to close” end. Weakness of most agents being the part where they hand over the Resale Certificate or POS to the buyer, and then hold their breath for 5 days hoping the buyer puts it on a stack of papers, and never opens it until the time runs out on the contract “out” phase :)

    I celebrate your website. Start a blog on the unique features of a condo sale, like how to break into the Condo Manager’s office and look at the Reserve Study, if the Summary Page is not in the Resale Certificate, and I’ll put you on the Condo Expert pedestal. For now…it’s a great website and I blow that trumpet to your benefit and acclaim.

    If your method of picking “condo expert” is “sold a bunch of them and willing to pay the referral fee”, well then…you know. I can go buy “Number 1 Expert”. I think you should clarify that “expert” status for the benefit of your “clients” on the site. Until then…it’s not all that credible for me. I’ve seen that term thrown around a bit too much in this business to apply the dictionary definiton to all the “real estate experts” out there. It’ s like saying “I’m #1 (my Mom said so) :)

    7. ARDELL - May 23, 2007

    Hey Ben,

    Since you wanted me to dub you “The Condo King”, tell me. What do you do when there is no Reserve Study Summary in the Resale Certificate? What do you do with the Resale Certificate procedurally?

    Not trying to knock you, just giving you a chance to take the Crown.

    8. Galen - May 23, 2007

    Sweet site - pretty, easy to use and informative. Good work condo dudes.

    9. ARDELL - May 23, 2007


    I often say “Oh those Gee ky Boys!” Janet Jackson style. Is that offensive?

    10. Casey - May 23, 2007

    Thank you for the follow up email… I am not offended in the least, especially if you are saying it in Janet Jackson style. :) As for claim to fame we are still working on that… but I wouldn’t necessarily compare us with Zillow as we are a brokerage and not with Redfin as we aren’t trying to cut the legs off of good agents and we believe whole heartedly that working with a really good agent is well worth the price that is paid. I think it cost more to work with a Redfin agent than you could possibly save… Redfin has it all wrong, and you are right, they are/were just a technology backed by agents that couldn’t make it in real estate that took a 50K ish salary instead and pretend to be agents. The fact is, any good agent would never work there for the amount of money RedFin is paying. That is a whole subject worth diving into, and I am wrapping something up on our condo compare blog here shortly to go over it.

    The difference is in the details and a mere technology won’t last forever, but I do think we are different than every player in the market in that we are putting condos in context, and giving potential buyers access to condos immediately via our condo compare agents. May seem simple, because it is… but it is a huge difference. Most companies that have MLS access have a Slow Time, I mean a Floor Time agent that doesn’t even know how to spell condo answering the phone. At CondoCompare, if a buyer wants to see a condo in the flesh, they can call, chat or email and within 30 minutes (in most cases) the door is open and the tour begins with an agent we have pre-screened. I do think that this is an “Alternative Business Model” in many ways.

    I wanted to address the “Condo Expert” question… Here in Seattle I know a ton of agents (I have lived and worked here for 15 years) and it is pretty easy to tell the experts from the armatures both from their knowledge base, condo sales experience and their reputation. Since this is our first market, I think we are getting by very well via our existing relationships with good agents and the word of mouth referrals to good agents. We do have a “CondoCompare Certification” we are working on getting passed for continuing education credits. This class covers all of the condo issues such as the one you addressed above and will be the cornerstone as we expand into new markets. The point to the website is to give users the best information (format and function) with access to really good condo agents. Before CondoCompare, where would a buyer even begin? Condo blogs have interesting information for sure, but there is a gap between interesting and usable. The gap between blog content and live MLS data. We are hoping to create the bridge and come along side all of the condo experts (like yourself) who have great information but are limited without MLS data in a condo format. Does that make sense? Let’s talk offline if you are indeed the “condo queen” as we could definitely find a way to work together.

    11. ARDELL - May 23, 2007

    Let’s go back to…WOW! You guys have a great site! :)

    Now you say “Thank You, Ardell”

    And I say, “You are very welcome.”

    I plugged your site because I truly think it is fab and useful to our readers. Let’s get off the whole “my business model is better than Redfin’s” thing. I’m just sick of hearing about everything Redfin doesn’t do right. At least sandwich what they do wrong with a couple of things they do right. You lost me at, “we aren’t trying to cut the legs off of good agents”. I don’t even want to know what you were thinking when you said that.

    12. Owen - May 23, 2007

    A resale certificate with out a Reserve Study Summary wouldn’t constitute delivery or a complete resale certificate and wouldn’t start the clock on your 5 days for review. I would make sure the listing agent got it to me before her 10 days was up and advise my client on their options.

    Where are the crowns at?

    13. Jennifer - May 23, 2007

    Great concept and a simple easy to use format! Definitely a great help to consumers and agents alike. It would be nice to see details on property features in the side-by-side comparisons such as pool, gym, extra parking, etc.

    I did notice that you have only 4 buildings total listed for the Microsoft Bellevue and Redmond area (Harper Hill isn’t even on there). Are you still working on inputting buildings and establishing your database?

    14. Louisville Real Estate - May 23, 2007

    Great post, thanks for sharing the site information. It looks like a really interesting concept, and I’m looking forward to trying it out.

    15. ARDELL - May 23, 2007


    I know a Reserve Study Summary page is required in CA. Where does it say it is a requirement in WA? Do you quote “a law” when you tell the listing agent it HAS to be there? Thanks. Any references to good books on what the requirements are would be appreciated as well. I know CA has such a book listing all the legal requirements of HOA Boards. Does WA?

    There’s only ONE Crown, and right now Matt Goyer has it and Ben wants it. Oh wait, I just remembered. There is actually an agent who calls himself the Condo King AND he has a crown on his head in his real estate photo on his business card. It’s a riot! I remember seeing his card in a condo I sold over in Juanita. But his is a “self-bestowed” crown, so I don’t think it counts.

    16. Ben K - May 23, 2007

    Hmm…since I write King tv’s condo section..does that make me King Condo.

    The reserve study summary isn’t part of the NWMLS resale cert, so it would need to be requested by addendum along with board minutes. It’s my understanding a reserve study isn’t even required in WA.

    Though, based on your comments above I checked out WR’s hotline and it states that a statement of reserves must be included in the resale cert. So I’m guessing WR has its own resale cert?

    17. ARDELL - May 23, 2007


    A “statement of reserves” could mean the amount of money in reserves, which does have to be, and always is included. But it is very difficult (though not impossible) to tell if the amount in reserves is sufficient, without the Reserve Study Summary page.

    In CA a sizeable complex has to have a Reserve Study done once every 3 years or anytime there is a substantial need to do one in between. I wonder why WA doesn’t require that they be done and included in Resale Certificates and given to owners once a year? Given the number of condos being built and apartments being converted to condos, I think WA should beef up the regs regarding their management and transfer requirements.

    If the complex is 19 years old it could have a 3 year old roof or need a new one next year. The former would require less to be in reserves than the latter. What good is it to know that a complex has a Million Dollars in Reserves, if the Reserve Study says they should have Three Million?

    It’s not an exact science, especially when you have a flat roof. But I wonder how Owen can say they consider the Resale Certificate to be incomplete without one if it’s not a requirement that Board even have one?

    I do agree, Ben, that the King 5 thing should give you a leg up on that Crown.

    18. ARDELL - May 23, 2007

    I found this article on SCL which appears to be the beginning of a series about the Reserve Study. It was right above Ben’s First Anniversary post. Happy Anniversary, Ben! Sorry we missed that.

    19. Owen - May 23, 2007

    I quote the addenda where I request it along with two years of minutes and some other tid-bits of info. :) I’ve gotten one a few times.

    20. ARDELL - May 23, 2007

    Thanks Owen. Good Answer!!!

    21. Matt Goyer’s Real Estate Blog » Blog Archive » I don’t cut off legs - May 23, 2007

    […] However, when their CEO makes a comment about my company like the one below on Rain City Guide it really pisses me off: But I wouldn’t necessarily compare us with Zillow as we are a brokerage and not with Redfin as we aren’t trying to cut the legs off of good agents […]

    22. Galen - May 23, 2007

    Ardell, I am a geeky boy and I am definitely not offended when called as much. Perhaps they are “business dudes” - those guys don’t like being called geeky.

    23. ARDELL - May 23, 2007

    How about “Geeky Business Dudes” :)

    24. Galen - May 23, 2007

    No, I don’t think that would work. That’s like “positive negative comments.”

    (By the way, GuestPerson, usually the spam filter catches long or link filled comments - just holler and one of us will fish them out. Especially nasty personal attacks get filtered by Ardell or another contributor - not saying yours was, just letting you know what does and doesn’t get filtered)

    25. ARDELL - May 23, 2007


    Apparently several troll comments come up with different names and the same IP address. Should that person one day make a “non-troll” comment, the spam filter will still recognize the IP address as spam or troll.

    26. GuestPerson - May 23, 2007

    Troll comments? Huh?

    All I did was call out Ardell, not a personal attack by any means.

    She’s really, really starting to get me angry.

    27. casey - May 24, 2007

    There were a couple of buildings that were labeled in the community Bellevue as opposed to Microsoft. It has been changed and everything should be accurate… For the record, we import from the MLS every 30 minutes, so… if the listings exist on the MLS they will exist on our site as well.

    Any more feeback/questions please let us know…

    Thank you

    28. ARDELL - May 24, 2007


    From my perspective, this is the only site I have ever seen that presents the info in a better format than the agent access mls site.

    29. casey - May 24, 2007

    Thank you… that is a huge compliment… A bunch of our agent friends prefer to use our site over the MLS as we have taken great measures to present the info in a more contextual way. Thanks a bunch for the feedback…

    30. Ben K - May 24, 2007

    Life is grand when one’s anonymous.

    31. casey - May 24, 2007

    Jason, it is hard to take anyone seriously that just posed as a customer in order to point out a few flaws. First I will tell you, the people running the chats are chatters not experts. In this case, you can see the chatter went from Customer Service to Owen when the chatter was a little out of their league and Owen happened to be in the office and was able to take over. The chat is set up for potential buyers to meet with an agent and get access to info immediately. It is not intended to be a fountain of knowledge for the condo buyer, or in your case the pretend condo buyer. Can you just imagine if we had all of our Condo Experts working our chat? We are expanding into quite a few more markets over the next few months and you can be certain that we won’t have highly paid, spooky smart agents working our chat. Like I said, if a buyer or seller wants access to a condo expert our chatters/receptionist will be more than happy to set up the appointment and a real life condo expert will show up at the meeting. Your argument that “Condo Compare isn’t all its cracked up to be” would be the same as me calling your office, pretending like I wanted to buy a condo, then doing a write up on your receptionist at your “anonymous office” not knowing nearly as much as I would expect. And you call yourself an expert… your receptionist knows very little… Good job waisting everyone’s time…

    32. Owen - May 24, 2007

    “#3: It’s not a bad thing that not all the units are sold in a building in pre-sale? Come on! that’s some horrible logic.”

    I stand by what I said and if anyone would like further elaboration , my number and email is at the end of the chat.

    33. Allen Benson - May 24, 2007

    Id have to say nice job on the site very well done.

    We do a similar site is SOCAL Condos Etc

    I like the concept “High Tech Traditional”

    34. ARDELL - May 24, 2007

    Jason H.

    1) I said I liked the site. What’s not “to believe” about that?
    2) I was the one who gave Matt the crown, so what’s your beef?
    3) We’re joking…there is no crown.

    35. ARDELL - May 24, 2007

    Special Announcement,

    Since we have confirmed that the comments made here attacking Condo Compare were made by a Realtor who is a competing broker, I have decided to delete his deceitful comments. A licensee posing as a consumer, printing the conversation, attacking a competing broker, and doing so anonymously is clearly unprofessional and unethical.

    I will not permit my post to provide the means for his deceit and mean spirited attack. We were able to identify the brokerage and office where the agent works, and we are positive that the reputable company for which this person works, would not permit the agent to not disclose his true identity when speaking with another brokerage.

    Seems odd that the person telling everyone else that they are breaking laws, and not to be believed and not “good enough”, is the one committing fraudulent, unethical and unprofessional behavior.

    At any rate, I refuse to provide a forum for his attack and deceit.

    36. Jennifer - May 25, 2007

    quick turnaround, I like that :) I also like how you list the HOD directly under the price. The ease of actually being able to search in the Microsoft neighborhood is a great feature. Thank you!

    37. Justin Bowers - May 28, 2007

    I love the CondoCompare website. I’m am a little jealous that it’s taken off so quickly. I’ve been building my website on downtown area condos for 3 years, and believe I have more content. But, thier advanced technology is great. Kudos